Commercial Construction

Maker Hotel, as Featured in Forbes, We Heart and Departures
August 24, 2020 | Columbia County NY, Commercial Construction, Custom Cabinetry
Check out some of the incredible work we did on the Maker Hotel, a new boutique hotel in Hudson, NY. We’re really excited to see this project featured in Forbes, We Heart and Departures.

Travel And Leisure highlights Bartlett House
November 20, 2017 | Columbia County NY, Commercial Construction, Ghent, Historic Restoration
Last month Travel and Leisure magazine published an article highlighting some of the gastronomy and hip new trends in the Hudson Valley. Part of their focus was one of our most beloved restorations – Bartlett House. We are honored and proud to be part of this article – we’re celebrating in the shop! Read the article.

The Sky’s the Limit
May 9, 2017 | Columbia County NY, Commercial Construction
Progress on our amazing Hudson Hotel project.

Austerlitz Fire House
March 2, 2016 | Columbia County NY, Commercial Construction
We are so proud to present the completed Austerlitz Volunteer Fire House!. It was completed from start to finish in 6 months. I hope all of the members are enjoying their new home. It was a great community project to be part of.
Thank you!!

Austerlitz Volunteer Fire Company
August 26, 2015 | Columbia County NY, Commercial Construction
The new Austerlitz Fire Company Building has come a long way in 4 months. The exterior will be completed today. All of the Mechanicals are roughed in and Spray Foam begins tomorrow. What a great addition to the Austerlitz community!!!

Austerlitz Volunteer Fire House
February 17, 2015 | Columbia County NY, Commercial Construction, New Construction
We are proud to announce that George Lagonia Jr. Inc. has been chosen to build the new Austerlitz Fire House. We are looking forward to partnering up with our community to build a high quality firehouse that will stand the test of time. We will be part of every phase of the process including fund raising. Please feel free to help the members and the Austerlitz community reach their goal. The project expects to kick off by April 1, 2015